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    POGO Remixing the World

    You’ve probably heard of Nick Bertke, better known as Pogo in the music scene. We’ve come to know him through his movie remixes such as Alice, Upular and Skynet Symphonic. Recently Pogo has embarked on an adventure of remixing the real world. We want to share this interesting project with you.

    Pogo has worked for studios such as Disney Pixar, Showtime, Oprah’s Harpo Studio’s, Art Basel in Miami and many more. He has performed for YouTube Play at the Guggenheim Museum. He further shares his creations and visions on his YouTube Channel, with more than 25 million views (still counting). Now Pogo is remixing the world. In this new project, Pogo will travel the world in search of sights, sounds, voices and chords, and use them to compose and shoot a track and video for each major culture of the world.

    The world remix project is going to employ a unique method of funding: every remix will be financed by pledges at KickStarter, funds made by the remix before it, and by prepayments for the next upcoming remix. The music will be released worldwide on CD, DVD, and at PogoMix.net.

    Joburg Jam, a remix of sights and sounds filmed around the city of Johannesburg, South Africa, marks the beginning of Pogo’s World Remix project. Next stop is Tibet.

    “Making music out of wild animals sounds, ice in Antarctica, gongs in temples, voices in tribal Africa - this is what the world remix project is about!”
