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    Where do you put your app money?

    A recent Nielsen report shows that innovative channels such as mobile music apps and streaming services are very much appreciated by consumers all over the world.


    During September 2010, Nielsen conducted a survey of 26,644 online consumers in 53 markets. The survey, done exclusively for Midem, covered questions about music purchasing and listening habits.

    The results?

    Globally, artist apps, music-discovery apps and streaming apps are doing best. In the US, music apps are the second most popular apps, and the best performing apps in Europe are artist apps.

    As for online, the survey shows that free ad-funded and daily or monthly subscription models are the most popular, and more than half of online consumers say they would use a free service in exchange for listening to and watching ads.

    So, where do you put your online and app development money?

    Want to learn more? Get the Nielsen Music mobile apps and music streaming report for free on the Midem blog.
